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We’re always asking you to spread the word + talk to people in your life about supporting our Democratic candidates.
We thought that it might be helpful to give you some
positive talking points to aid in your conversations.
So tell somebody!
We're all story-telling creatures + the best way to communicate with others is creating a storyline. Consider this tried + true structure for effective political storytelling.
Start with shared VALUES...Introduce the VILLIANS...Close with the VISION
And always listen to the concerns of others + speak from your heart.
You can learn a lot by listening + shape your story to have more impact.
For a video on developing a Force Multiplier elevator pitch click here.
Talk on!
talking points
Buzz kit
FM video
If you are curious about
Force Multiplier...
watch this informative video.
(18 minutes)
Better yet... tell a friend to watch it!
Watch the video of our event with Heather Cox Richardson